TRANSMEDIA a leading media group in Indonesia that begins with the
existence TransTv airs in 2001 and joined TRANS7 since 2006, together as a
national private television program produced inhouse classy, innovative
always been a trendsetter in Indonesia. Followed by AFP merger in 2010, the
national leading news portal which has now become the number one online media
with the presence of digital products such as e-magazine flagship magazine
Seconds, Male & Fem, streaming TV and DetikTV myTRANS. TRANSMEDIA now more
complete with the presence TRANSVISION in 2013 as a subscription television
channels with hundreds of international and local best inhouse. Confirming TRANSMEDIA in the international
arena, CNN Indonesian present national and global news presenting independent
and high credibility, the format makes CNN Indonesian, Indonesian language
as Indonesian Information Media reliable and Window world know Indonesia. We
are looking for the best candidates to join a career with us.
News Anchor
Production Support
Floor Director
If you are interested, please register online at the following link.